After Effects Final Animation
This week I worked mostly on completing my basic training by exporting 11 different frames from individual layers into a complete animation into After Effects:
This is the final animation as a GIF file:
By Miguel Yapur
By Miguel Yapur
This week I worked on creating my assets to animate a short film that shows the process of a sketch of Sutton Hall on campus. Below is the initial sketch for the storyboard that I had in mind starting off:
And below are a progression of the different assets I’ve been working on, starting with the sketch itself, cleaning up the background, and separating elements like construction lines, detailed pen lines, and shadows:
On Friday I was assigned to create two initial drafts for ISPRII with some design parameters that the client wanted.
The first one emphasizes on a grid in which the letters are placed, since all the letters have no slanted lines (only vertical and horizontal) and round components, I thought it looked well inside a rectangle configuration.
The second one more focuses on both the people studying the issues and the people involved in the issues themselves. I have also included underneath how we could make this logo dynamic, showing the last two i’s as people.
By Miguel Yapur
After a couple of weeks of working on it, I am pleased to say that my Canvasser activity, titled “Solar Architecture,” has been finished. The purpose of the game is to teach the players about the awareness that is needed to design effective shading in buildings and houses based on the location of the solar path throughout the day, the orientation, and the placement of windows on each wall. The game has four sub-activities, one in each wall of a house, in which the player is prompted to measure windows to determine the area, measure the height of a floor to determine the appropriate height of a tree, and at what time do certain walls start or stop receiving light.
The following is a link to Solar Architecure.
On Friday I presented a proposal that I worked on in one of my Design Studios. The Zilker Pavilion is a lightweight steel structure topped by pieces of tensile members that give shade and protection from the rain. Below are the slides that I presented:
I also completed my PSD Flashcards basic training. My flashcards focus on air travel, something I miss doing in times before COVID. Here they are:
Picture credits:
By Miguel Yapur
I worked with Maddy and Abriella putting together some slides for the STAs to see how we went about doing color corrections for Studios 6 and 10. We finally presented them today during/after the STA Meeting. The slides I worked mostly on were 28-57:
I also worked along with Abriella to compose a more detailed KB training for the STAs. Here’s how it looks:
I’ve also been working on my Canvasser activity. The most challenging thing right now is figuring out how to code the interactive assets to go smoothly with the activity and what commands to use to accomplish this. It’s very fun (even though sometimes a little confusing). Here’s a screenshot of what I have so far:
By Miguel Yapur
From the testing that Maddy, Abriella, and I have been doing for Studios 6 and 10, I’ve been writing up a post for the KB that goes over all the color correction options that we’ve gone through so STA’s can use them later on.
Here’s the link to the draft for what I have so far (I felt like a screenshot would be pointless since it’s very long):
Here are some color correction testing outcomes that we had for Studio 10:
By Miguel Yapur