Texas German Retractable Banner #8 Quality Update
Client/Prof: Margaret Blevins
Completion Status: Started on August 22
Staff Guidance: De’sha
Re-exported the Texas German Dialect Project (TGDP) Banner #8 to a higher quality for print.
NTR 306 Stinger Animation
Client/Prof: Laura Lashinger, PhD & Heather Leidy, PhD
Completion Status: Started on August 23
Staff Guidance: De’sha
First main project of the year! My goal is to update a stinger of the NTR 306 class that is titled “Things that make you go hmm.” For this project I made a little emoji guy in Illustrator and then imported into After Effects for animating. Still going through edits, but this is what I have so far:
Texas German Retractable Banner #9
Client/Prof: Margaret Blevins
Completion Status: Started on August 24
Staff Guidance: De’sha
Started on a new Texas German Dialect Project (TGDP) Banner! This version isn’t spaced properly and has a few other issues, but this is what I have so far: