Week 19
Project: Conference Website
Started on: Mar 9, 2022
Completed on: Mar 10, 2022
Staff Guidance: Stacy
Description: For this project, I need to adjust the website to be more responsive.
- Change the font-size and configurations of different elements to look visually reasonable when on different device sizes.
- Adding patterns to the agenda section.
- Make the agenda text to be center with align-items center and display flex in CSS.
- Cloning the website so that I can implement the original website as a template
The website:
Project: Fake Data
Started on: Mar 7, 2022
Completed on: Mar 7, 2022
Staff Guidance: Stacy
Description: For this project, I help Stacy to input fake data for each different staffs. I completed on Tuesday almost all of the columns and some of the rows.