LACS Progress
We’re making good progress on the LACS career guides–we’re about 80% done with the drafts, and only a handful of icons still need to be created (out of the 60+ we started with!). I’m really happy with how these are turning out. At the end, I’ll do a final pass through all of them to fix any inconsistencies and make any final changes. One thing that still needs to be changed is the final color scheme, since not all of the infographics will be blue. Amy has updated the career list, so now we know the order of the infographics and will be able to rotate the colors evenly through (i.e. to keep from having the same color back to back). And all the final PSDs are accessible, so it will be easy to go through them all one last time.
Other things I’ve been working on: the Knowledge Base table of contents needs to be updated to be more user-friendly and better organized, so I’ve been working on mockups of what it could look like. The main thing that needs to be fixed is we want to have the trainings separate from the general resources, since right now they’re jumbled together and hard to find. The mockups I’m working on have a separate table of contents for resources and trainings, which I think makes a lot of sense and will be very helpful for newly hired STAs to be able to track their progress through the trainings. It also looks a lot better aesthetically.
Here’s what I have so far:
Also, I’m making a few minor changes to the STA blog banner (we’re going with the magical nighttime version), which I will post here soon! …