My Task was to redesign the Educational Resources section of the Texas Politics page. I wanted to stick to the color scheme of the section by making the majority of the elements grey. The subsections within each section help categorize each link.
The navigation at the top serves as a jump menu so when you click on what ever title, it will jump to that section that corresponds to the element clicked. This is helpful since the old layout has an accordion kind of layout but the accordion will be removed and instead of having the user scroll all the way to the bottom, the user can click on the navigation at the top to get to where they want to go. This is helpful in the mobile with the inclusion of the “Return to the top” button. In mobile, everything is in one column instead of the two column layout in the desktop version. If the user clicked on “Poverty”, the last section, instead of having to scroll all the way to the top, they can click on the link that will send them to the top of the page.