Week 5
Project: STA Design Team Poster
Start: September 13th 2022
To be Completed: September 29th 2022
Staff Guidance: De’sha and Leilani
This week I tries my best to simplify the design of the crest. I decided to get rid of the global is the crest is able to be more clean and less crowded.
Leilani gave me more suggestions more the crest design and finally we have this crest with all same line weight. From De’sha: “we are highlighting how it is the creation of the websites that we view daily. This is shown with the web window and the cursor. The design element is highlighted with the pen tool and the curve tool. Which is an element graphic designs have to use often. With the cursor and the pen tool combined, it helps simplify the design and it also showcases how our department is a combination of both teams working together.”For the poster design, I tried to expand everyone’s bust and let them overlap with every other to enhance the connection.
Leilani suggestion me to put everyone is one splash so I did this quick mockup. We’ll find out a way to incorporate everyone well.
Project: CTX Retold
Start: Sep 27th 2022
To be Completed: Mid Oct 2022
Staff Guidance: Maddy
I developed the my wireframe in Figma according to eji.org. Here is the site in light mode and dark mode. I also update the fixed banner into a slider so there are more images can show on one single page. Figma presentation: https://www.figma.com/proto/cCH6gBareq60356Cxbvk6H/CTX-Retold?node-id=2%3A2&scaling=contain&page-id=0%3A1.