Project: Piano Tuner Farewell Poster
Client /Prof: Mike Heidenreich
Completion Status: Started Nov 20, 2019
Staff Guidance: Suloni Robertson and Valerie Tran
Description/Plans: Illustrate a goodbye poster to give to the Linn the piano tuner who will be leaving UT. Find imagery that relates to the job and his interests.
To be Completed: Nov 25, 2019
Here is the finish illustration above. The text boxes have lots of colors on it that are the same for the LAITS logo. It was how I implemented aspects of LAITS into the imagery that wasn’t just plain imagery of the logo.
These are the cartoon like images I made of Mr. Roath and the the piano. I was told he enjoyed sumo wrestlers and appreciated Japanese culture so Suloni and I came up with this look together based off this knowledge .
Suloni also went ahead and edited the image into a card on photoshop. It came out really well with slightly different coloring from the final image.