New Writers Project Cascade Site Setup and Help Requests
Project: New Writers Project Cascade Site Setup and Help Requests
Client: Emma Train, the New Writers Project
Completion status: to be completed before Thanksgiving
Description / plans: setup the Cascade site shell and providing help based on client requests
Last week I’ve been providing help for the New Writers Project with setting up their Cascade Site. They wanted to migrate their site from WordPress and do some reorganization. This is the first time I’ve provided help on Cascade so it took me a while to figure out how to do certain things (thanks to Tim and Estella). The client was also not familiar with Cascade so they accidentally delete some folders, causing some broken links. I’ve managed to fix them, but Suloni has directed me to write up a KB on how to better instruct the client on Cascade so that not as much work is needed to restore the links.
Here’s what the site is looking like so far: New Writers Project Site
There are a few more things I need to do, including uploading staff’s profile images, addressing the duplicated Staff’s landing page, and resizing the banner image to the standard size.