Littlefield Lectures Poster
The final design for the Littlefield Lectures poster for Manisha Sinha and The UT Department of History. Beginning with the first draft (“All iterations,” top-left), this design evolved from a type-focused column design to a full-width poster with greater focus on the images featuring the author and her book. After cycling through several iterations, we finally arrived at the design featured in the two posters on the right. The dark black border is a remnant from the previous iteration just before the final version, which I originally included to illustrate how much of the edges would be chopped off in the final print. The border was well-received and was incorporated into the final design. The final poster previews below include this border spanning across the bleeds which is to say they are thicker on-screen than they would be in print.
The shades of blue are sampled from “The Slave’s Cause” book cover and the same font (Birch STD) is used for the headers. The body font is Georgia.