phil zimmerman

i’m phil. this is my first year with the sta program. i have a bachelor of fine arts from penn state university with a focus in studio art. i am currently pursuing a masters degree in architecture at ut.
my creative interests include various mediums of hand work, photoshop, illustrator and indesign. i am also familiar with several two and three dimensional drafting and modeling programs.
what i have been up to
september 3, 2009
after updating my wiki with the addition of some new links and text, i spent most of the afternoon working in photoshop on the sta group photo project. i think things are coming together with that and i hope to move on to the TIGER project soon.
september 4, 2009
i began design work for the TIGER website redevelopment. so far i have a rough concept for a possible logo or heading. most of my work, a sample of which is shown below, was done in illustrator, with some stuff done in photoshop and indesign. Click below to see the full sized version of the logo that I came up with.
september 8, 2009
today i was back working on the TIGER website. basically i was fleshing out the web page layout with text, logo and image placement and icon design. things are starting to come together, another couple of working hours and i think ill call it done.
september 12, 2009
i spent the afternoon wrapping up some ongoing projects, mainly the sta group photo and the TIGER website mock-ups. mostly i was in photoshop but i worked a little in illustrator. i am pretty excited with how they turned out, check out the full version of the TIGER page by clicking below.
september 14, 2009
today i worked briefly on the TILTS banner. im not too sure how its going to turn out, i may start over. most work i did was in photoshop today. the woodburn logo below is linked to a full version that i worked on.
september 15, 2009
i have two versions of the TILTS banner done which can be viewed by clicking the image below. again most of the work was done in photoshop, they may need some reworking they are still pretty rough.
september 18, 2009
worked on the rise of china site, but didn’t get too far on actual design. i got some photos from the web and adjusted them in photoshop and illustrator.
september 21, 2009
i started to work specifically on components of the china rising page. the design for a propaganda bonzai tree was done in photoshop.
september 22-23, 2009
i have spent some time focused on fleshing out the mock up for the rise of china page. most of my work has been completed in photoshop with some done in illustator. with a little more time spent on the layout of the page buttons and content and i will wrap up work on this project.
september 27, 2009
today i spent a little time working on some general office upkeep. i finally completed my compliance training sessions, updated my time sheet on basecamp and spent a little time organizing my wiki. i hope to finish my rise of china mock up later this coming week.
october 1-2, 2009
i started working on the french artists page, mostly preparing artist portaits and abstract backgrounds.
october 3, 2009
today i finished two of the french artists pages. it was an interesting process creating abstract graphics in illustrator. click on the links below to view the finished pages.
october 10, 2009
i started the day sketching out some ideas for a logo for the texas language center. after scanning the sketches i dropped some color in them in photoshop to get an idea of how the project color palette would look with my logo ideas. i also spent some time putting one of the sketches into a more fleshed out illustrator logo. i plan to sketch out a few more ideas then go back into illustrator and photoshop.
october 20, 2009
i have spent the majority of the past week and a half working on the design of a logo for the texas language center. after sketching ideas on paper an developing mockups, i have most recently been creating graphics in illustrator. see the attached image as an example.
october 29, 2009
i have finally finished the print version logo design for the texas language center. after much work in illustrator, i have gotten the graphic to a level that looks pretty good. click on the link to see the final product.
november 10, 2009
getting back into the avis des artists project has been a little change of pace. the graphics for the site are relatively abstract so i have been having a little fun with them. so far, ive completed three, check them out below.
november 15, 2009
today i continued with the avis des artists project, completing one more page and starting another. so far, i have been happy with the work i have produced for the project and it has been a great opportunity to be really creative. see the new page by clicking below.