date: May 25th
project: COLA Homepage Weekly Updates
lead: Andre
Updating new Video Podcast on theCOLA Homepageeach week.
status: DONE
date: May 8
project: COLA Database Psychology Contacts Update
lead: Suloni, Andre
Updating the Psychology Department faculty with new information. Added Adjunct Faculty.
status: DONE
date: May 8
project: COLA Database Psychology News Migration
lead: Suloni, Andre
Migrating News content from the old Psychology site to new Psychology cascade site.
status: DONE as of 5/9
date: May 30th
project: Cascade Tutorial
lead: Suloni
Cascade tutorial for Dept of Spanish and Portuguese and ETAG. Permissions given.
status: June 1st
date: May 31st
project: General Cascade/DB Updates and Maintenance
lead: Suloni
Cascade update on STAs in Art Credits. Changed news dates on COLA Database.
status: DONE
working on…
date: June 1
project: New STA Training
lead: Suloni
Create tutorials for the new STAs in illustration and logos. Train on how to use the wiki.
status: In progress – Making presentations
date: June 8
project: Lab Cleanup
lead: Suloni
Desktop cleanse, browser set up, and clean in preparation for New STAs/Summer
status: In progress
date: June 8
project: Psychology Site Migration Contacts Update
lead:Andre, Suloni, Tim
COLA database contacts and news sections have been migrated (as of 5/9) and now brainstorming ideas on migrating the rest of their website (ie. Events, Spotlight, Faculty profiles). Awaiting further instructions.
status: In progress
date: May 30th
project: Humanities Page Cascade Video Implementation
lead: Suloni
Working on adding video to the Humanities home page after edited by Video STAs.
status: Awaiting Approval
date: Mar 6, April
project: Korean Homepage
lead: Suloni
Design with Katie a homepage for the new Korean Instructional site.
status: Final Splash image approved and ready for mock-ups
date: May 8
project: STA Flyers Update
lead: Suloni
Updating the 2012 STA Job posting information.
status: In progress