April 29th
1. efossil

April 1st
1. Asian American

April 1st
1. Asian American

March 25th
1. Humanities

2. African American

March 11th
1. African American
2. Rhetoric
March 4th
1. Middle East Scans: Corrections

2. Rhetoric
Feburary 26th
1. Middle East Scans: Corrections?

2. African American Splash

Feburary 19th
1. Berlin Combined Images Done

2. Replace Images
Feburary 12th
1. Berlin Combined Images – couple more to go!

2. Will be working with Nicole on subtitling
Feburary 4th
1. Berlin Slides DONE!! Found the missing slide!

2. Adobe Illustrator Tutorials (Buffalo)
3. Berlin Combined Images

January 29th
1. Color Correction

December 3rd
1. Vietnamese Project

2. Hake Project

November 26th
1. Hake Project

November 19th
1. Vietnamese Powerpoint

2. Hake Project – color correction

November 12th
Hake Project – color correction

November 5th
Hake Project – color correction

October 29th
Hake Project – color correction

October 22nd
1. Hake Project – color correction
2. Finished 3 slides for Vietnamese Powerpoint

October 15th
1. Hake Project – almost done scanning
2. Met with Carrie Wells on color correction for slides
3. Finished OCR for Anthropology
4. Start on another round of slides for Vietnamese Powerpoint
October 8th
1. Scanned Slides for Hake Project (173 slides to go!)
2. Anthropology documents scanned
3. Finish Lesson 3 from Vietnamese Project

October 1st
1. Got slide scanner!! Work on those!
September 25th, 26th
1. Scan photos for Berlin Project
September 24th
1. Work on 412k Lesson 3 pics
2. Awaiting people to add to 412k Lesson 3

September 21th
1. Complete set up 412k Lesson_2
September 20th
1. 412k deadline moved up
2. Completed Lesson_2_pic_1
September 14th
1. Finished 604 Lesson_5_pic_1
September 11th
1. Meeting with Julio
2. Worked on 604 Lesson_5_pic_1
September 10th
1. Talked to Jamie about Vietnamese Powerpoint Project
2. Finished 412k Lesson_1_pic_3

September 7th
1. Worked on Wiki and tile