August/September, Up Until Now:
COLA ID processing, editing, uploading (August and September):
Lead: Suloni
August IDs: Done (11 ID’s)
September IDs: in progress
– Made a to-do list in basecamp
– Trained Michael (He will be editing french italian group)
– Completed 21 edits from the GOV graduate group
– status: August IDs: Done (11 ID’s), September IDs: (21 done, rest in progress)
Lead: Ran/ Michael
-Met Michael and was shown site/project
-Met with Ran to learn how to link audio files in coding
-General corrections and Audio linking for Sections 00-07
status: Need to finish sections 8-13
-August 8th
-Andre Leroux
-File linking, content management, and general quality control
status: DONE
Cactus Scanning:
Lead: Suloni
– Scanned images from Cactus yearbooks
– Edited these and sized for powerpoint

Campus Sculpture Photography:
Campus photography and editing
Lead: Suloni
-Test shoot South Mall
-Shot sculptures around Texas Exes (twice)
status: Started editing these (currently a paused side project)

Anthropology Photo Shoot:
Early August
Lead: Adrienne
-Did a photo shoot in the anthropology department for use on Anthro web page
-Edited and emailed Adrienne pictures

Proctoring Media Lab:
August 5th-11
Coding Demo with Ran:
-Overview of general coding
African Diasporic Dance and Theory:
Lead: Suloni
-Burned Image DVD

STA Banner 2011-2012
Lead: Suloni

General notes:
I have mostly been working on PPP recently because it is quite time sensitive since the class is already using the site. I have coded far past the sections they are using now though, so I will be focusing on finishing the huge bulk of September COLA Ids as well as creating a STA banner for the next week or so.
The campus photography is something I have set aside as a filler side project when I don’t have too much going on at once. I will be continuing this throughout the semester.