OCT: Texas Theory – Active – Total hours this week: 2.50 hrs
- Migrated over 42 types of content this week
What’s Left
- Add stars to compass image
- Center branding image in bottom-left sidebar
- Continue migrating content from old wiki. I have allotted 3.75 hour a week for migration but this could fluctuate due to other projects.
OCT: Henri Michaux – Active – Total hours this week: 3.5 hrs
- Began syncing png with audio
- My strategy to slow clips down isn’t working out. Looking to find why it’s not the solution.
- Mike emailed me a few ideas on the source of the problem
What’s Left
- Sync poem w/ audio
- export poem as a mov
- merge poem .mov w/ landscape .mov
- export combined .movs as a single .mov
- burn to dvd
OCT: SPN328 Lecture Photos – Active – Total hours this week: 4.5 hrs
- Met with Chris on brightening techniques
- Scheduled Meeting with Dr. Sutherland-Meier to review corrected photos
- Corrected Photos
What’s Left
discover an effective way to brighten without all the noise and reduce the overall ‘shopped feel- Correct all images and deliver to Dr.Sutherland-Meier
Sept: Uncanny – Active – Total hours this week: 0.00 hrs
What’s Left
- Clean up CSS
- Organize to eliminate duplicated tags
- Trim any inefficient pieces of code
Design is art that makes itself useful: BBCx365