Texas German Dialect Project
Not finalized yet – but getting closer! This time the edits only took about an hour.
ECO 304L Introduction to Macroeconomics
Just another professor name edit. This one had some confusion because I was accidentally directed to the wrong course initially, which was missing some editables, so I spent a while on forensic reconstruction before realizing the mix-up.
Course Design Menu Compendium
This one was fun – Suloni asked for course graphic design menus for a few of our flashier courses, which fortunately I had already made. Except, they weren’t very compact, so I consolidated them into a smaller format (the originals had huge empty spaces where the clients hadn’t requested certain graphics from the template).
Basic Training: Research for Meaningful Brand System
Finally, after several weeks and about 6x the suggested total hours, I’ve done everything I possibly can with my ‘downtime’ training, constructing my own brandbook.
Copying some questions I answered on Basecamp:
- As ornate as parts of might look, I was even more over-ambitious at the start haha. It was a good lesson in streamlining. The wordmark logo is a good example of that. I wanted to make something as snazzy as I could with as few actual moving parts to rearrange as possible.
Plus, public domain old art is a really good resource! Credit to Wenceslaus Hollar.
- The main technical thing I learned was that image trace is MUCH more economical than a manual pen tool for making vectors in organic shapes. I still have a lot to learn with vectors.
- This was one of the most fun trainings, just open ended enough to allow a lot of creativity but focused enough that I could compare mine to other STAs for reference. I took much longer than prescribed but I made good use of the time.