Anti-Racism Banner
Project: Anti-Racism History Department “Overview” Banner
Client /Prof: Tiana Wilson, Graduate Assistant
Completion status: Started December 21, 2020
Staff guidance: Valerie Tran
STA team members: Abriella Corker
Description/plans: This webpage that they’re creating is part of a larger project that focuses on the Anti-Racism Initiative. This initiative was created as a result of this year’s re-rise of the BLM movement. They want the webpages to be a resource for POC grad students. The webpages they need will be created and implemented by their own team, but they are in need of assistance in designing two banners for the tabs for their webpage.
To be completed: January 21, 2020
Above are my first two sketches of the classroom banner that I made off of a reference photo provided. One includes and instructor the other is just the raised hands of students. Then below I picked this warm color palette with two bright accent colors of red and cream.
Here is how the final draft came out. I combined the two sketches to make the banner feel more full and fun to look at.