Page mockup with interactive for the LRC site
I just got a new assignment to create a mockup of a page for the Linguistics Research Center. They are submitting a grant proposal, so this mockup will be a way to showcase what one of there pages would look like with an interactive on it (the interactive is yet to be created).
So right now I’m working the static mockup to show the client for approval. I’m designing the interactive in Photoshop, then adding it to a screenshot of an LRC page to show what it will look like in context when you click on the interactive.
This is the image I was given to use for the interactive, they are Mayan hieroglyphics. They are divided into 8 “blocks,” and the blocks are subdivided into what are called “glyphs.” Each glyph represents a sound or a word, and so the block can represent a sentence or multiple sentences (I believe, I’m not a linguistic expert…)
And this is the static mockup that I sent to the client with 2 color options (purple and green). I’m waiting to hear back about the final text to use, but this is roughly what it will look like. When I get approval on the basic design of the interactive I will start working on building it in Canvasser so it can be added to their site. But the first priority is to get the mockup finished to meet their deadline.