French and Latin Web Banners
Project: French and Latin Web Banners
Client: Mike Heidenreich
Completion status: started October 16th, 2019
Staff guidance: Suloni Robertson, Valerie Tran
STA team member: Rodrigo Villareal
Description / plans: creating website banners for the online courses for French and Latin
To be completed: ASAP
Using these courses’ previous post cards, I’ve created the web banners for their websites.
Suloni, Valerie and I discussed extensively in choosing the images for the French banner. We wanted something that ‘speaks French’ (quoting Suloni), but it’s quite difficult to find a landscape orientation picture of the Eiffel tower. In the end we settled with the above.
For the Latin banner specifically, I really love all the characters illustrated by a past STA, Aidan Kessler (who is now a PM). All of the assets used in the Latin banner, which are not only beautiful but also very well layered (making it easy to parse them out and reuse them), are his.