Project: Hebrew Flash Conversion
Client/Prof: Professor Raizen
Completion Status: Unfinished, Unknown ETA
Staff Guidance: Kevin/Valerie
STA Team Members: Estella, Kevin
Description/Plans: Convert all flash interactives created into another format retaining the same information.
The current stage we are at is decompiling and extracting all hebrew text from said modules and reproducing the interactives in a variety of different formats to determine which is best suited for the content of these activities. I created an interactive quiz in both Quia and Quizlet. What I determined is that Quia is more flexible in structure of quizzes, allowing deliberate formatting and organization of quizzes. This allows the activities to be more accurate to their original flash counterparts. Although Quizlet is more popular and easier to use, it lacks the depth required to recreate these interactives like Quia does.