Project: Cascade practice site
Completion Status: Done
Staff Guidance: Andre, Chloe, Rodrigo, Suloni
Descriptions/Plans: I’m completing the tasks assigned on Basecamp and updating here on this blog post as I go along
Here is a link to my site:
First, I added the official UT word mark and STA identity icon to my site. Then IĀ uploaded my 870 x 385 banner and added text to my header and sub-header by going to units>sta-5>index>edit.
Created some events to go on my page by adding events to the Cola database and setting the office drop-down to sta-5.
And news stories:
Added some random body content with links embedded (the text and the image redirect to my blog), reorganized the page to go news>body content>events
Embedded a Youtube video into the right side bar: