Welcome Bryan! i hope you have fun at your STA Orientation
During your STA Orientation, design and upload your banner to your blog.
Use the specs found here:
1. please use the specs for your banner:
path: sta/Tate Gibson/make-your-sta-blog-banner/sta-blog-banner-specs.jpg
2. save your un-merged files:
folder: make-your-sta-blog-banner
path: sta/Bryan Xiao/make-your-sta-blog-banner
3. Then, on this blog,
–read publishing help
–write a bit about your about your-self & upload your banner
4. upload a link to your blog, on your base camp to-do : https://liberalartsits.basecamphq.com/projects/13975003-2017-bryan-s-daily-plans/todo_items/221778780/comments