Update (10/10/16): Logo for introduction has been submitted.
Update (9/26/16): I completed the blocks for the intro video. Initially I had drawn a pyramid of six blocks. Since Valerie’s character was much taller than the total height of the image, and resizing the blocks would make them too big, we decided to include a stack of blocks behind the initial pyramid about six blocks high. The stacks would decrease in height for the transition. To make the blocks in the foreground stand out, I recolored the pyramid to lighter tints and added a blue-ish drop shadow behind it. To add the shadow, I tried using the Drop Shadow effect in Illustrator, but that looked odd and wasn’t as workable as an ellipse. I wound up adding an ellipse with a gradient that faded to 0% opacity. I used the same blue hue and I also feathered the outer edges of the ellipse (which I could have done using the gradient tool, but I just ended up using Feather instead). The colors of the blocks were originally darker overall, but I made them lighter to remain consistent with the other objects/characters in the video.
I also started working with Valerie on a logo for the intro slide, as requested by Ashley. We came into some trouble with the given title: “Developmental Psychology,” since “developmental” was such a long word (13 letters). If we stacked the title, developmental would be longer than psychology, and it looked rather odd when we first made it on Photoshop. Then
I drew a large teddy bear in Illustrator that may/may not be used in the introductory video for PSY 333D. As per instructions, I used colored lines in the line art instead of just black. I may have to adjust the coloring of the bear and make it more vibrant to fit the overall color scheme of the video.