These were images that were for the ESL department. I worked with Mike Heidenreich to get the drawings to become the style of a set of drawings that he presented and wanted to use but he couldn’t because they were copyrighted. The purpose was not to copy the drawings but to make them my own. The drawings were to have a word bubble above one of the characters so the students could figure out what the character is thinking or saying.
The drawings were done using Adobe Ideas on the IPad and were edited further in Adobe Illustrator. The color idea came from the fact that my banner and my basecamp avatar has a background of one color with select areas being white. This is how I use color in some of my illustrations. I like to go minimal and make the entire drawing one color and the select areas of white to make the characters stand out.
Sheep Illustration revision without color and more sheep
Sheep Illustration revision with color and more sheep
Brain Full illustration without color
Brain Full illustration with color
“Cat Fud” illustration without color
“Cat Fud” illustration with color
shoot the apple illustration without color
shoot the apple illustration with color
Landscape version of the shoot the apple illustration