Christopher Gillette has been working for the LAITS Department for nearly 4 years as a digital archivist, which entails scanning and color correcting photos in Photoshop.
Christopher recently changed his major to Sociology with a minor in American Sign Language.
Chris is an avid reader who gives hearty hugs and looks forward to heavy downpours.
He enjoys live music, board games, climbing trees, and spending time with friends and family.
Christophers ideal future involves lots of traveling

“Peculiar travel suggestions are dancing lessons from God” –Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.
What I’m Doing:
August 19, 2010
- Worqspace

July 22, 2010
- Worqspace

July 15, 2010
- Worqspace

- resumed petroleum scanning (Cement)

July 8, 2010
- Worqspace

Cinco de Mayo
- started scanning Prehistory of Texas

- started Worqspace project

April 28, 2010
- finished batch of COLA IDs
- Meso American corrections
- uploaded Petroleum files to hard-drive
- worked on presentation page
April 21, 2010
- started COLA IDs

April 14, 2010
- finished scanning (casing) for Petroleum
- started/finished scanning (catheads) for Petroleum

- started/finished scanning (cathodic protection) for Petroleum

- started/finished scanning (cellar) for Petroleum

April 7, 2010
- more (casing) scanning for Petroleum
- corrected image for pro bene meritis
March 31, 2010
- more (casing) scanning for Petroleum
March 24, 2010
- more (casing) scanning for Petroleum
- Moeller scans

March 17, 2010
- cleaned and rescanned for Hoelscher

March 10, 2010
- Scanned La Figure D’Hector for Marc Bizer

- Corrected La Figure D’Hector for Bizer

- Finished scanning (Capsules) for Petroleum

- Started/Finished scanning (Cargo Basket) for Petroleum

- Started scanning (Casing) for Petroleum

February 24, 2010
- Finished scanning (Canada) for Petroleum

- started scanning (Capsules) for petroleum

February 17, 2010
- Meso American corrections

- Petroleum scanning (Canada)

February 10, 2010
- Scanner problems

- Finished scanning pipeline_construction binder for Petroleum

- Started scanning Ca-Cel binder for Petroleum


February 3, 2010
- Scanning pipeline_contruction for Petroleum

January 27, 2010
- Scanning primer_of_pipeline_construction binder for Petroleum

November 18, 2009
- Petroleum Scanning

November 11, 2009
- Petroleum Scanning

- reviewed Ashley’s meso recorrections (twice) and gave feedback
November 4, 2009
- Petroleum Scanning

October 28, 2009
- Petroleum Scanning

October 21, 2009
- Petroleum Scanning

- MesoAmerican Correction Feedback for Ashley
- Flatbed Scanning with Ashley
- Searched Archives for Witt Scans
- Sorted Through Backup Disks for Witt Scans
October 14, 2009
- Meso American Corrections

- Petroleum Scanning

September 30, 2009
- Meso American Corrections

- Petroleum Scanning

September 16, 2009
- Color Correction Tutorial with Ashley
- Petroleum Scanning

- Follow-up Correction Meeting with Ashley
- Color Correction Tutorial with Sarah
- STA Group Wiki Banner & Rollover Banner
September 9, 2009
- Scanning Tutorial with new STA’s
- Bio for Wiki (see above)
September 2, 2009
- STA Orientation
- new Wiki Banner (see above)
- new Wiki Tile (see above)
- Wiki Portrait Thumbnail
- Scanning Tutorial with Ashley