Wiki Last Modified: August 10, 2009, at 06:34 PM
- Salaberry
- Don’t know exactly what Susan is talking about for some technical errors
- Window Resizability: A box in the top corner to resize?
- Need to modify a site-wide used CSS file that is used throughout several TBH sub-sections, will discuss with Susan tomorrow about those tweaks
- Worked on image effects using a AJAX|JQuery image gallery plugin for TBH Waco
- Current TBH What it was like Interactive What Waco
- Dreamweaver templates locks in erroneous code:
- How? If someone copies and paste code developed previously, there exists code in the header or elsewhere that gets locked in, that would later need to be added or deleted depending on the goals of the project.
- Why is this important even though it looks good? Because there exists extra code, or erroneous code that causes slow downs in rendering and could put pressure on servers if it doesn’t already.
- Furthermore many times I find the non-editable parts need to be editable later down the line, I need to add in tags in the header, and developing code in Dreamweaver is a pain, I have to open up the file in BBEdit instead just to make a few changes. So my question is why do we even bother purchasing Dreamweaver?
- Image Gallery App
- Made tweaks to online training course material for touch-screen console Mod Touch Screen Simulator
- Previous Touch-screen console Touchscreen Simulator
- Google Maps Map
- Working with Google Web Toolkit to build UI interaction for TBH
- Test 1
- Test 2
- Reasoned out that allowing for multiple DialogBoxes would be a distraction for this type of information. There is no need for analyzing information side by side, instead its more just rote knowledge rather than comparative comprehension, maybe will utilize multiple DialogBoxes in a situation where comparing information from 1 page to another is convenient and helpful.
- Trying to figure out the how to allow opacity without too much distraction, sort of like a glass window, planning to style windows to have a metallic orange vibe.
- Met with Susan, to discuss about Varga section for TBH site. Varga
- YEAH! made the graph builder use up 3x~5x less memory than my earlier iterations.
- Figured out a logical relation from a given data set, to the location of placing text, and other relations:
- Will focus on design this week, and ability to customize design, and pre-set color schemes.
Given {(0px,0px) –> (500px, 600px)} how do you transform those set of numbers into {(initial years, lowest unit measurements) –> (end year, highest unit measurements)}?
- Determining mouse location on x-axis with respect to the data given: (myStage.mouseX /(graphWidth/xlines))*((xf-x0)/xlines))
- Determining placement of tick marks on graphs for a given set of data: (graphData.x-graphData.startX)*(graphWidth/(graphData.endX-graphData.startX))
- Talked with Ran, and will be working on first getting the graph builder to be customizable by using xml data sheet, setting colors, size, etc.
- Currently working on getting it to mimic graphs with Texas Politics
- current graph builder : Data Display
- Meeting with Susan sometime this Friday or Monday Possibly
- Been recoding the graph builder in Object Orient way, running into problems, thinking about reverting back to old version. Would have been more efficient, and code would run more smoothly. Much more easily transferable to Flex if need be, but am not using Flex components.
- Key differences from Flash and Flex,
- Flex provides better coding environment than Flash
- Flex more oriented to creating RIA’s (“Rich Internet Applications”) more quickly than Flash.
- Pre-made components allows for quicker development of RIA.
- Flex generally creates a larger .swf file because of the “Flex Framework”.
- Pre-Made components may not be optimized toward project goals, which could lead to speed performance issues.
- Key differences from Flash and Flex,
- Would rather not rely on pre-made components.
- Update: Graph Update
- Wondering if I can extend the Graph Builder project to a larger scope.
- Worked on Memory Resource Management for Brink’s Graph Builder.
- Without Memory Resource Management: Graph Builder w/o Memory Management
- With Memory Resource Management: Graph Builder w/ Memory Management
- Reconstructed several of the shakespearekids .fla files.
- Met with Daniel Brinks, worked on his map and placed online, also working on Graph Builder:
- Did 2 more AP for Steve and Susan
- AMS logo idea
- Changed color scheme for LawDem map, (is there a map on the actual site? because some information seems to be missing)
- How to embed flash, or mp3 files is documented on our Basic Editing Page at the bottom.
- Pedegogy Modules
- APGen – Currently modifying to create multiple AP’s and not just Generate 1 AP
- CMS (Student Resources/Tutorial)
- Used HTML table, and commented out the iframe code
- Worked on getting wiki skinned with Sinorca theme, and audio working.
- Will ask Steve or Susan about the other flash map source.
- Lot of TBH-Dev sites css are incorrectly linked, as I work on certain pages I will fix a few here and there. ex: Site Map
- TBH Prehistoric
- Looks like a portal page to the other flash maps.
- Leaves of Grass
- Scott modified voice menu, fonts, and line numbers
- I’ve added the zoom, modified search panel, and added keyboard events.
- Map1 Prehistory Map
- Map2 City location
- Segmented Maps
- Current BookReader
- Current Explore laBelle
- Current Patterns Page
October 18, 2008
- Whitman bookreader prototype: Bookreader
- Button roll-over test: ToolBar
October 14, 2008
- LaBelle up and running. Password protected, I do not know password: here is the link anyway
October 11, 2008
October 7, 2008
tool bar with larger paper
tool bar with smaller paper
October 3, 2008
- Font names:
- Texas Hero
- Bickham Script Pro
September 27, 2008
- Worked on Pattern’s of the Past
- Coastal Page
- Pattern’s of the Past
- Changed some colors and added to toolbar design
September 25, 2008
September 23, 2008
- Font Type design concept progress:
- New design concept by Suloni:
- Worked on a wooden engraving concept
September 22, 2008
- E-mail from Susan, asked to do something that I think would best be done using CSS mapping over Flash. (And or javascript if needed)
September 9, 2008
- Met with Micheal Winship, Scott and Suloni took photographs, I held up a piece of paper.
September 5, 2008
- Image Correction meeting
- Before
- After
September 4, 2008
- Worked on fixing something in the event
handler for Whitman Projects
September 3, 2008
- First Weekly STA meeting
September 2, 2008
- Whitman Project meeting
- laBelle Link to Explore laBelle