email: Flash Preloaders are a waste of time, if you need to entertain people why it loads, just create a simple animation. Preloaders add size and require unnecessary computations to the overall swf, as well as spending unnecessary time on developing the project
July 8th
July 1st
- Zoomv1 Modified: July 6th
May 15th
- Working on zoom functionality.
- Ran sent me a zoom type. Zoom1
- Working on a slightly different zoom functionality type. leavesZoom derived from this Zoom2
- Will meet up with Scott sometime in July.
- He seems to be starting it from scratch on the restructuring of the code, using Flex 3 I think.
- Trying to draw a gear and place multiple gears into flash to make audio function?
- Theme- cross breed of this: Image 1 and a sketch: Image 2 or Image 3
April 28th
- AWESOME: Cheap Touch pads maybe? Hurray for open-source communities!!
April 24th
- leaves12v4 html
- Krutie shows me an amazing flash book. (Its amazing because it seems to be made for flash player 6)
April 18th
- I now know why Flash exports html in an awkward way, at least in my case.
April 17th
April 1st
March 26th
- testing
March 24th 2008
- I have been working on the next page button and prev page button but it is now rendering slower than before, so I e-mailed Olin about changing back to a previous layout of leaves.
- Also it shows the bottom text so everything looks scattered.
March 18th 2008
- Sketched out an idea for button.
March 4th 2008
- Working on leaves of grass in general. (all unfinished)
- Cleaning up the code.
- Trying to find a way to speed up animations.
- Re-working on button placements and different approach
- Progress: leaves12
- Previously on: leaves11v9alt
February 19th 2008
- Have been working on page flip, text flip.
February 2nd 2008
- Modified title animation(changed the speed at which fading occurs).
- Decision?
- Found out about the magic of runtime bitmap caching. Makes my animation run much smoother.
- * do not go back in leaves
January 30th 2008
- Changed all text within leaves to Times New Roman
- Edited title button animation(changed rates of alpha tweens)
January 28th 2008
- finished animating leaves of grass title
- finished line number buttons
- started re-working on page flip
- filled out timing array for audio testing and start on audio testing.
- removed facsimiles (reduced file size by about 86.7%) * do not go back in leaves
- Olin sent me an link of a page animation without the text moving with the page.
December 3rd 2007
- finished tracing leaves of grass title

- exported another video in flash (.swf) for hmiller project Jesus in American Culture
November 21st 2007
- Talked with Olin over line buttons and arrays
- Things to do
- Create a line button function.
- Place all the buttons on the electronic side only.
- Finish animating the leaves of grass title.
- Replace the facsimiles with the full page (not cut-offs) and straighten facsimiles pages.
November 16th 2007
- Finished working on importing facsimiles
- Added in play, stop, pause buttons and others
- Fixed a few things on the hmiller flash videos
- Still need to fix skin player problem
November 15th 2007
- Begin working on importing facsimiles
- Met with Tim and Daniel
- Worked on importing hmiller videos into flash player
November 12th 2007
- Begin animating the L,e, and v of title.
Click Here to See: titleTopButton-> roll over Animation
- Previously created button
Click Here to See: modeButton-> mouse-click Animation
- Design of leaves of grass (aka song of myself)
Click Here to See: leaves_v2_redesign1.swf
November 10th 2007
- Finished tracing L,e,v of title.
November 5th 2007
- Finished leaf tracing #1
- Begin tracing Leaves of Grass title.
November 1st 2007
- Close to finishing leaf tracing
- Animated leaf in flash
October 26th 2007
- Created a simple motion tween for bookmark drop down.
- Continued practice tracing lines in illustrator cs3.
October 24th 2007
- Discussed with Gregg over how to implement words flipping with page using xml alongside actionscript
- Practiced with illustrator cs3 on a drawing
October 20th 2007
- Reworked several frames on page flip.
- Begin working on a way to make text flip with page. (Finding a way to reapply code(actionscript) in a different way(page animation is frame by frame so I changed text box into frame by frame))
- I went and cut the text out of the main timeline and placed it within the movie clip timeline and skewed the text box on each frame so as to look like the text is on the page flipping.
- How to make it so the text will not change frame by frame, how to upload text into dynamic text box, and how to make it go to next set of text after it reaches the frame where it goes to next page on the animation).
October 19th 2007
- Slightly re-adjusted page_flip animation to fit new page look
on book
- Trying to figure how to integrate text with page flip animation
- Got front cover of book

- Flash group meeting
- Advance Button Practicing (Creating buttons as a movie clip)
- Worked on applying more actionscript on different objects: movie clips & buttons. Got more aquainted with library.
- Timeline for main scene (realm 1) vs. movie clip timeline (realm 2).
- Went over generally where to apply or put actionscript (on layer vs. on objects vs. layer on a different timeline within an object)
- Advance Button Practicing (Creating buttons as a movie clip)
October 12th 2007
- Flash group meeting
- Practice Button making in flash with basic actionscript.
October 10th 2007
- Created a general idea of bookmark
October 7th 2007
- Trying out different page animations with after effects with Corinna’s help
- Looking at several other page animations
October 5th 2007
- Flash Group meeting
October 3rd 2007
- Got help with actionscript from Greg and made button animate.
- Still working on page flip animation.
October 1st 2007
- Decided on 5th book design with some touch-ups
September 28th 2007
- Worked on page animation
- Scanned bookmark material that Suloni gave me
- Begin working on bookmark
- Scanned bookmark material
- Practiced Flash with Greg
September 27th 2007
- Several redesigns of book image for Leaves of Grass:
September 24th 2007
- Changed paper texture of the book for leaves
September 21st 2007
- Begin redesigning Leaves of Grass (Song of Myself) button
- Begin redesign Leaves of Grass Intro
- Flash Group meeting
- Discussed each person’s experience and level of ability in flash
- Briefly discussed different aspects of flash such as motion tweens and actionscripting
September 19th 2007
- Worked on text animation flash for Song of Myself
- Meeting at 1:00 PM (Overview
- Discussed over
- design direction -> (realism)
- the roles of each person who partake in building this project
- which text to use (comparison text vs. electronic text / or both)-(testing)
- location of working files
- what types of images to use
- animation style and text style
- Discussed over
- Tested parts of (Daily Intelligencer) site.
September 17th 2007
- Recieved prototype of Paradise Lost
- Restart on background image.
- Simplified wiki page.
September 14th 2007
- Begin to work on background images and animations
September 12th 2007
- Begin to work on Song of Myself flash
September 10th 2007
- Updated Wiki
September 5th 2007
- Created Tiles ->