working on…
date: Oct 26
project: Korean Homepage
lead: Suloni
Design with Katie a homepage for the new Korean Instructional site.
status: Final mock-up done and waiting for approval. Design layout for the site and discuss with Ryan.
date: Feb 16
project: Business Alumni Campaign Illustrations
lead: Suloni
Design four Art Deco people for the campaign.
status: Selecting source photos and sketching
date:Jan 31, Feb 2
project: COLA Academic Units Updates
lead: Suloni, Joe
Updating the layout of the Academic Units Page. Mock-ups done.
status: final mock-up for presentation
date:Jan 31, Feb 2
project: COLA Homepage Weekly Updates
lead: Suloni, Andre
Updating new Video Podcast on theCOLA Homepageeach week.
status: DONE
date: Jan 31
project: STA Knowledge Base
lead: Andre, Suloni
Documenting procedures for various projects. Need to add Video Podcast Updating.
status: Working