I worked on…
date: Nov 7
project: ASL3 Online Credits Pages
lead: Suloni, Ran
I was assigned to update the Production Credits page and add the Behind the Scenes page for ASL3 Online. Working on coding. Worked on it more last week and learned a little javascript and php. Need to add the image hover over in the code and we’re set!
status: Almost done!
date: Oct 26
project: Korean Homepage
lead: Suloni
Design with Katie a homepage for the new Korean Instructional site. We agreed on a style and will be meeting about our sketches on Friday.
status: Working
date: Oct 24-31
project: LAITS Video Department Logo
lead: Suloni
Refining logos with “Liberal Arts ITS Video Services” text and grid.
status: Working
date: Oct 21, 28
project: Ming Tutorial
lead: Ming
Worked on coding a little more and will meet with Ming this week.
status: Working