Kim Soland is a second-year STA and a fourth-year student.
She is double-majoring in Philosophy and Radio-Television-Film and double-minoring in Computer Science and English.
Her interests include industrial sculpture, appendectomy surveillance, yacht construction, and lying about her interests.
- Finished corrections for Persian Teaching Resources.
- Don’t tweet and drive!
- byebye, wiki 🙁
- Finished Book 1 of Persian Teaching Resources.
- Scanned Sandman for a class I wish I could take.
- As per last week’s meeting, I worked on Persian Teaching Resources.
- *Finished coding Unit 1, I think. Now with accordions, Persian characters, and a weird webtoolkit bug that I’ll address later.
- *Fixed Persian banner.
- *Added a link for Unit 10
- *Changed Unit 3 picture
- *Updated nav to include Book 2
- I still need to:
- Change Persian image on ribbon
- Code units 2-10 for Book 1
- Code all units for Book 2*
- Worked on Persian Teaching Resources. Almost finished!
- Met with Anousha about adding files to the website via SFTP, as well as a couple of small website changes
- *each section in the first units is about a single Persian alpha character. I will rename them accordingly.
- *need to make section menus accordion down.
- *need to change picture for Unit 3.
- *need to add unit 10 to Book 1.
- *need to add Book 2 and units 11-end.
- Let me know if you’re interested in being an HC mentor next year, and I’ll tell the guy who runs it to put your email on the list he sends out about it!
- Worked on Persian Teaching Resources all week.
- *Styling is finished; content forthcoming.
- Work in Progress:
- *Still need to finish the conference site, but that’s on hold until Persian is finished.
- CSS3 is awesome
- Coded on the spanish conference site
- *Navigation is working, except for not having the correct colors yet.
- *Although there are no visible differences, I recoded the site so as to avoid last week’s centering technique.
- Coded on persian teaching resources
- *Worked with Suloni on the site design
- *started positioning elements
- Work in Progress:
- *Still need to finish the conference site, but that’s on hold until Persian is finished.
- *Passed L’Avis des Artistes typo-correction duties onto Christine.
- *Didn’t get to work on my public/private banner mockup. I’m concerned that the world is not ready for my banners, heh heh heh.
- Coded on the spanish conference site
- discovered a cool way to center a div in the page for when margin:auto; doesn’t work:
- left:50%; margin-left:-(.5*DivWidth);
- Sat in on a couple of faculty workshop classes.
- Worked on Government feature.
- Fixed a couple of Persian buttons.
- Made this mockup for the AILCFH conference website.
- Also working on Persian Teaching Resources page.
- Almost finished F/R with l’AdA
- Met with Janet about her class’s wiki
- Wasn’t here last week.
- This week, I’ve worked on l’Avis des Artistes and fixed a Student Affairs page.
- Built up wiki sites for sta presentation
- worked on Avis
- Met with Noah about SVP. I’m off the project b/c it won’t be ready to code by May.
- Began effecting changes to L’AdA –
- merged the style sheets. Still need to c/p the new JS onto every page and make Cheney’s changes.
- Met with Peter and Noah about SVP.
- Added header/footer/homepage link to Avis. Also tied up some loose ends (missing images, etc).
- Met with Peter and Noah about SVP.
- Avis des Artistes
- (was out most of last week)
- Met with Noah about Media Center design
- Worked on Avis des Artistes credits page and header.
- Went to FastTex meeting and talked about DASE.
- Made ‘Production Credits’ and ‘About’ pages for Avis Des Artists, and tweaked a couple of small things.
- Met with Courtney and showed her how to update the NSTE page.
- Got ‘Take On Me’ stuck in Christine’s head.
- Met with Peter, Noah, and Dustin about Spanish Video Project.
- Added banners to Avis des Artistes and added the image fade on the homepage – yay!
- Worked on history conference website.
- Met with Peter, Noah, and Dustin about Spanish Video Project.
- Added banners to Avis des Artistes.
- Worked on history conference website.
- Coded Malayalam
- Met with Spanish Video Project.
- Worked on Cinzia’s Vitae.
- Met with Janet Swaffer to help her with a presentation.
- Met with Professor Jacobshon and got his website moved from web.austin to webspace. Updated his vitae.
- Met with Cinzia and updated her vitae.
- Met with Scott Meyers and showed him how to make footnotes.
- Met with Spanish Video Project people and figured out where we’re going with that.
- made a quasi-mockup for spanish video project.
- Worked on Avis des Artists
- finally figured out phonology. Meeting with prof eventually.
- Worked on Avis des Artists
- Added Dustin’s and Nikki’s Passe Partout pages.
- Finished styling Passe Partout.
- Taught Dustin and Nikki how to format the Passe Partout pages properly.
- Taught Julio Moreno how to edit video clips.
- Worked reduced hours again last week. Fortunately, I’m done with papers for a while.
- Updated styles on Passe Partout.
- Sickness/schoolness prevented me from doing much.
- Looked at phonology stuff. I think I’m going to be able to teach it.
- Taught Phil about teh interwebz.
- Investigated ongoing JOSHU and phonetics issues
- Worked on Wiki mockup.
- Cool typography blog
- Worked on JOSHU submit functionality.
- Worked on JUSHU bug.
- Attended CMS meeting.
- Made a mock-up for EEJH mock-up.
- Made another mock-up for EEJH.
- Wrote some transcripts for TLTC. TLTC is LAUNCHING the prototype!!
- Worked out some kinks in the Arabic Resources page.
- Worked on STA Graphic
- worked on Rose graphic
- Wrote transcripts for TLTC Grammar
- Worked on STA graphic
- Taught Phil about the CMS
- Met with Rachael about TLTC tasks
- Worked on Wiki graphic
- Made a thumbnail of my face for LAITS website
- Learned how to man the media lab